Go get it game!

We LOVE the “Go Get It” game. It’s one of the first games we play with new foster dogs as they learn to trust us and find their feet in a new life.

It is especially handy with rainy weather, which can mean our dogs don’t want to toilet on wet grass!

 They either toilet inside or on undercover areas. 😩

 You can change your dog’s mind about wet grass! One of the ways we do it here is playing the “Go get it” game.

 ❓How does it work

1. Start when there is NO pressure on your dog to toilet. This is just a fun game! This is an important point - we want our dog to LOVE the game before we try to get them out in wet weather. If you’ve tried leading your dog out onto wet grass in the past and felt any kind of frustration, your dog could have a negative association with we weather, the lead and your yard. So we need to change their perception.

2. You can play this anywhere at anytime. Inside, outside or even on a walk

3. Toss food away from you saying “go get it” as you do

4. When your dog turns back towards you, toss food away in another direction saying “go get it”

5. Repeat as often as you can!

 The more you play the game when there is no pressure to toilet, the more positive association your dog will have with the game.

 ❓ But how do I get them to go onto wet grass

First I would suggest playing this game with them when the grass is dry and they don’t hesitate to go out! Then the next time it rains and the grass is a little wet, play this game again.

1. Do a few repetitions on a dry/hard surface they are comfortable with

2. Toss one piece onto the wet grass

3. When they return back, do a few more reps on the hard surface

4. Next rep onto grass then while your dog is out there, toss a few pieces of food close to them

5. End with a couple reps on the hard surface

As your dog learns to love the game you can use it, with a lead, to get them to go out further on wet grass to toilet. And to stay out longer!

You can:

  • Toss food further out onto the grass

  • Walk out with them and continue to toss food away and in different directions

  • Drop more food right near them to keep them searching for more

If they are more focused on finding the treats, and less concerned about wet feet, you will find that they will toilet on wet grass. We started this with Bre very early on when she was new to us and now doesn’t hesitate to toilet, even if it’s raining! She knows that she chases one piece of food out and then gets more when she’s done.

In this video we played the game with Bre to show you how you can use the Go Get It game to get your dog out on the grass.

It is a fabulous game for many things:

  • It is a way to play with your dog, especially dogs who are unsure of how they can play with people.

  • It can help with introducing a recall cue. As they turn back to you looking for another treat, give their recall cue and their reward is getting to chase another piece of food! If they hear their recall cue while having fun they are more likely to come back to you.

  • You can play it in the environment to engage with your dog. It’s especially good for reactive dogs as it draws their attention to you for fun, instead of the other dog.

Give it a try!


Lead manners